Boundary Bay New Years Day 2013
Sunday January, 13, 2013
Happy New Year. I hope everyone had a good 2012, and will have a prosperous 2013. I kicked off the New Year by visiting Boundary Bay in Tsawwassen, British Columbia. I was lucky enough to come across a couple of bald eagles close to shore, with one immature perched on an old sign post. This eagle did not seem to be bothered by visitors passing by. A mature bald eagle was situated across from the immature on a sand bar, and shortly after, the immature chased the mature eagle. Quite a spectacle to watch. Foggy conditions limited visibility, but added a very surreal mood to everything. I was also lucky enough to view a glaucous-winged gull trying to consume a starfish. Not sure is it was ultimately successful.
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Owl watching has become a popular activity in this area, and the snowy owls have once again have made an appearance. I was not able to view the snowy owls (got too foggy), but got a very close view of a long-eared owl. This little owl got more attention than a celebrity going for a stroll in downtown Vancouver.
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Owl watching has become a popular activity in this area, and the snowy owls have once again have made an appearance. I was not able to view the snowy owls (got too foggy), but got a very close view of a long-eared owl. This little owl got more attention than a celebrity going for a stroll in downtown Vancouver.
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